A Beginners Guide to Real Estate

A Beginners Guide to Real Estate

3 Reasons To Call A 24-Hour Locksmith When Locked Out Of Your Home

by Jerome Young

If you're locked out of your own home, you may be tempted to try to break in through a back window, or force a window open yourself. This is never a good thing to consider, and it's always recommended that you call a locksmith instead. Note a few reasons why this is.

1. Breaking into your home can cause expensive damage

You may hesitate to call a locksmith because of the cost, but what about the cost of replacing a broken window or bent window screen, or repairing a damaged window frame? To break into your own home, you may very well damage any of these, and their repair or replacement can be very costly. You might also topple furniture as you try to climb through a window or break dishes and other items as you climb over a kitchen counter, and these too would need to be replaced.

2. It can be physically dangerous to break into your own home

Even if you can safely open a window to break into your own home, how safe will it be to climb through? A window over a kitchen counter can mean the risk of falling off the counter as you try to get down, and you might easily topple an entertainment center onto yourself or slip on some small toys as you go through another window. The cost of a trip to the doctor's office or of missing a day of work because of a twisted knee or ankle can be much steeper than the cost of a locksmith!

3. A locksmith can replace your locks or your keys

Once you get into your home, of course you can lock yourself in, but what about your keys that you've misplaced? Unless they're actually in the home, you may put yourself at risk for a break-in that very same night. This is especially true if you lost your purse with your keys and identification, or if your keys were stolen from a gym locker along with your wallet. A thief may then have your address and may not waste time breaking into your home, even wanting to do this before you can change the locks.

A 24-hour locksmith can change your locks on the spot or rekey the locks so that you're safe in your own home. This too is another reason to consider calling a 24-hour locksmith when you are locked out. 

For more information, contact a business such as Amalgamated Locksmiths.


About Me

A Beginners Guide to Real Estate

Hello, my name is Colin and this blog is my beginners guide to real estate. I live alone in Sydney, Australia, and for the past 20 years, I have lived in rental accommodation. However, last year, I decided to take the plunge and to invest in my own home. I spend a weekend looking through the ads for different houses and apartments but I soon realised I didn't know what I was doing. Thankfully, my friend put me in touch with a great real estate agent. The agent talked me through the entire process and helped me to find my dream home. I learnt so much that I thought I would create this blog to help others.

